Saturday, 25 May 2013

Winter is here

Well it's been a while between posts, but I've had some fun crafting this afternoon and thought what better reason to blog is there??

Winter had peaked its little frosty head in a bit early this year. The quilts are getting plenty if use, the slippers are on and the tea pot is getting plenty of action. But don't you just hate it when your only one cup into your pot and its going cold! By the time your pouring the third it's all cold and not at all meeting its winter night requirements. So, to ensure plenty of warm tea this winter I have made myself a cosy! And it's reversible, which I'm a little chuffed about. Will venture to make a trivet tomorrow.

This is it with the pink side showing

And now with the alternative purple.

I had so much fun with the free motion quilting, and am somewhat impressed with my stippling skills. My discovery the other week that the bobbin allows a different colour on the bottom vs top thread meant I was able to easily blend the quilting cotton!!

Well, now I'm off to have a shower and a pot of warm tea!!! Have had it sitting, warming with water and cosied while we had dinner. Another invaluable tip of tea drinking in winter - be sure to pre warm your pot and cup!!

Sunday, 5 May 2013

All my quilts are home...

I've just finished off the binding on my wedding signature quilt and taken photos of it and my other 2 finished quilts ready to put in the show next weekend.

All my quilts are currently "home" except for the shaggy I made for my brother as a quick throw together. It's a great feeling being able to lay them am out and know you made them!! Or most of them as the topper of the wedding quilt was put together by the amazing ladies at Tuesday night craft!!!

I've posted some photos, but have been limited in my layout options as blogging from my phone!!

Friday, 3 May 2013

Preparing for the show...

My lovely husband bought a frame today for me to put my embroidery in for the show next weekend.

The quilt I made for my nephew has also been posted back to me and arrived yesterday to enter. Ill get photos of it and the one I made for myself and post up one day soon.

Getting excited now. I love the show!!!

I've just had to move this post as I put it on the wrong blog last night!! So now I have lost my picture :(

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Something new...

A little excited tonight as I completed the final preparations for my next few embroidery projects.

Traced the patterns onto fabric last night at craft, stopped in today and bought the pellon this afternoon. All ready to get stitching and keep myself entertained in the afternoons while out of town for work next week.

Couldn't wait though and started one tonight!!

Last night was productive in other ways too as I was able to pin my wedding quilt ready for quilting this weekend!!

So many crafty things to do, so little time. And I really must plant my seedlings this weekend!